Work Package 4 - Implementation


Europass is the platform (available in 30 languages) of the European Commission where you can find useful tools and services for orientation, education, training and work in a free, secure and intuitive way.
From 1 July 2020 Europass is everything new: the tools at your disposal now allow you to enhance your experiences, skills and qualifications even better, making them more transparent and understandable both to those offering jobs and to education and training bodies in the various countries EU. The new Europass is in fact open to all organizations that wish to exchange data and information with Europass, in full respect of privacy.

# D4.1 A.1.1.
Online Training Module for Students

- Annex 1 | Text Introduction;
- Annex 2 | Text UF 1;
- Annex 3 | Text UF 2;
- Annex 4 | Text UF 3;
- Annex 5 | Questions final test

# D4.1 A.1.2.
One video and three video tutorials on the new E-Portfolio for disadvantaged end-users

- Annex 1 | Focus Group
- Annex 2 | Final scripts
- Annex 3 | Email sent to local PES
- Video | Europass presentazione
- Video tutorial 1 | Europass da smartphone senza registrazione
- Video tutorial 2 | Autenticazione a 2 fattori
- Video tutorial 3 | Profilo - CV - Lettera di presentazione - Biblioteca da registrati

# D4.1 A.2.
Videos for Italian companies

- Annex 1 | Europass_plot_07_ANPAL
- Annex 2 | Webinar_report_JITT
- Annex 3 | Europass_esec
- Annex 4 | Europass_short_esec

# D4.1 B.
National event on Europass, mobility and transparency of skills and qualifications

- Annex 1 | Invitation Email
- Annex 2 | Invitation Email 4 Oct
- Annex 3 | Meeting Agenda
- Annex 4 | Europass Nuove Funzionalità
- Annex 5 | Modulo PCTO E-Portfolio
- Annex 6 | Video-tutorial utenti CPI
- Annex 7 | Indagine imprese su nuovo Europass
- Annex 8 | Applicativo rilascio Europass Mobilità
- Annex 9 | Video-tutorial applicativo Europass Mobilità
- Annex 10 | Costruzione Supplementi al Certificato Europass IeFP
- Annex 11 | Piano di comunicazione congiunto PCN
- Annex 12 | Open Badge
- Annex 13 | Report of the event
- Annex 14 | Evaluation and feedback

# D4.2
Europass National Survey’s report

- Annex 1 | Agenda - Training for interviewers
- Annex 2 | Interview
- Annex 3 | Report
- Annex 4 | Executive Summary Report

# D4.4 B
Europass CS Repository for IVET Qualifications

- Annex 1 |  Technical Note for WG 
- Annex 2 |  Technical paper for regional Committee
- Annex 3 |  Draft Agreement for the State-Regions Conference
(includes also the Methodological Technical Note and annexes such as: 1.A-CE EUP CS Format; 1.B-EC Guidelines for completing EUP CS)

# D4.4 C
Europass DS Promotion

- Annex 1 | Standard presentation of EUP  E-Portfolio and EUP documents - DS
- Annex 2 | Standard presentation of EUP  E-Portfolio and EUP documents - DS
- Annex 3 | UF 1 - DS on the on line training module

Evento nazionale di presentazione
Europass si presenta: attività, strumenti e servizi realizzati da Europass Italia nel 2021/2023.
Online4 ottobre 2023 > Informazioni sull'evento